Jeffrey Troy




  • Doctor of Philosophy, Biology (Aquatic Resources)
    • Texas State University — May 2013
  • Master of Science, Wildlife Ecology
    • Texas State University — December 2005
  • Bachelor of Science, Zoology
    • The University of Texas at Austin — May 2003
Teaching Experience
  • Temple College
    • Professor, August 2023 - Present
    • Associate Professor, November 2018 - July 2023
    • Assistant Professor, November 2016 - October 2018
    • Instructor, August 2013 - October 2016
  • Texas State University
    • Human Anatomy and Physiology Instructional Assistant (Lab Instructor) — 11 semesters during period from September 2003 - May 2013
Professional Publications
  • Troy, J.R., and C.D. Jones. 2023. The ongoing narrative of Ivory-billed Woodpecker rediscovery and support for declaring the species extinct. Ibis 165:340-351.
  • Troy, J. R., N. D. Holmes, J. A. Veech, Andre F. Raine, and M. C. Green. 2017. Habitat suitability modeling for the endangered Hawaiian petrel on Kauai and analysis of predicted habitat overlap with the Newell’s shearwater. Global Ecology and Conservation 12:131-143.
  • Veech, J. A., J. R. Ott, and J. R. Troy. 2016. Intrinsic heterogeneity in detection probability and its effect on N-mixture models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7:1019-1028.
  • Troy, J.R., N. D. Holmes, T. Joyce, J. H. Behnke, and M. C. Green. 2016. Characteristics associated with Newell’s Shearwater (Puffinus newelli) and Hawaiian Petrel (Pterodroma sandwichensis) burrows on Kauai, Hawaii, USA. Waterbirds 39:199-204.
  • Troy, J. R., N. D. Holmes, J. A. Veech, Andre F. Raine, and M. C. Green. 2014. Habitat suitability modeling for the Newell’s shearwater on Kauai. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 2:315-329.
  • Troy, J. R., N. D. Holmes, J. A. Veech, and M. C. Green. 2013. Using observed seabird fallout records to infer patterns of attraction to artificial light. Endangered Species Research 22:225-234.
  • Troy, J. R., N. D. Holmes, and M. C. Green. 2011. Modeling artificial light viewed by fledgling seabirds. Ecosphere 2:109. doi:10.1890/ES11-00094.1
  • Green, M. C., A. Hill, J. R. Troy, Z. Holderby, and B. Geary. 2011. Status of breeding reddish egrets on Great Inagua, Bahamas with comments on breeding territoriality and the effects of hurricanes. Waterbirds 34(2):213-217.
  • Farallo, V. R., R. L. Swanson, G. R. Hood, J. R. Troy, and M. R. J. Forstner. 2009. New county records for the Mediterranean house gecko (Hemidactylus turcicus) in Central Texas, with comments on Human mediated dispersal. Applied Herpetology 6:196-198.
  • Troy, J. R., and J. T. Baccus. 2009. Effects of weather and habitat on foraging behavior of non-breeding eastern phoebes. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121(1):97-103.
  • Jones, C. D., J. R. Troy, and L. Y. Pomara. 2007. Similarities between Campephilus woodpecker double raps and mechanical sounds produced by duck flocks. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 119(2):259-262.
  • Troy, J. R., and J. T. Baccus. 2006. Foraging in insect swarms by eastern phoebes. Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society 39(2):63-64.
Professional Presentations
  • Hart, L., R.M. Wright, J. Coleman, J.R. Troy, J.S. Glay, and A. Lizarraga. 2023. Correlation between snake fungal disease and predation by raptors and other birds. Texas Academy of Science 2023 Annual Meeting.
  • Si, K., B. Montoya, C.D. Jones, J.R. Troy, R. Jones, and E. Peterson. 2022. Prairie dog call playbacks improve detection during visual counts. 2022 North American Congress for Conservation Biology. Reno, NV. July 2022.
  • Troy, J.R., N.D. Holmes, J.A. Veech, and M.C. Green. 2012. Terrestrial habitat suitability modelling for Newell’s Shearwaters on Kauai. 39th Meeting of the Pacific Seabirds Group. Turtle Bay, HI.
  • Abuzeineh, A.A., J.R. Troy, M.M. Chumchal, M.C. Green, W.H. Nowlin. 2011. Transfer of mercury across ecosystem boundaries in arid streams. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Troy, J.R., N.D. Holmes, and M.C. Green. 2011. Modeling artificial light viewed by fledgling seabirds. 16th Annual Biology Colloquium. Texas State University.
  • Troy, J.R., N.D. Holmes, and M.C. Green. 2011. Modeling artificial light viewed by fledgling seabirds. 34th Annual Meeting of the Waterbird Society. Grand Island, NE.
  • Troy, J.R., N.D. Holmes, J.A. Veech, and M.C. Green. 2010. A breeding habitat suitability model for the Newell’s Shearwater. 18th Annual Hawaii Conservation Conference. Honolulu, HI.
  • Troy, J.R., N.D. Holmes, J.A. Veech, and M.C. Green. 2010. Development of the first Newell’s shearwater breeding habitat suitability model using a geographic information system. 57th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists. Junction, TX.
  • Troy, J.R., N.D. Holmes, J.A. Veech, and M.C. Green. 2010. Development of the first Newell’s shearwater breeding habitat suitability model using a geographic information system. 113th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science. Stephenville, TX.
  • Troy, J.R., N.D. Holmes, and M.C. Green. 2009. Development of the first Newell’s shearwater breeding habitat suitability model using a geographic information system. 33rd Annual Meeting of the Waterbird Society. Cape May, NJ.
  • Green, M.C., A. Hill, J. Troy, and Z. Holderby. 2009. Status of reddish egrets on Great Inagua, Bahamas, with comments on territoriality in nesting pairs. 33rd Annual Meeting of the Waterbird Society. Cape May, NJ.
  • Holmes, T. Joyce, J. Troy, and D. Burney. 2009. Status and conservation of Newell’s shearwaters on Kauai, Hawaii: Reduction in breeding range and developments towards protecting colonies. 17th Annual Hawaii Conservation Conference. Honolulu, HI.
  • Holmes, J.R. Troy, and T.W. Joyce. 2009. Status and conservation of Newell’s shearwaters on Kauai, Hawaii: Reduction in breeding range and developments towards protecting colonies. 36th Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting. Hakodate, Japan.
  • Troy, J.R., and J.T. Baccus. 2009. Effect of habitat openness on return-to-perch behavior of a common and widespread tyrant flycatcher. 56th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists. April 2009.
  • Troy, J.R., and J.T. Baccus. 2009. Effect of habitat openness on return-to-perch behavior of a common and widespread tyrant flycatcher. 14th Annual Biology Colloquium, Texas State University. April 2009.
  • Troy, J.R. 2008. Double raps produced by duck flocks or Ivory-billed Woodpeckers? 13th Annual Biology Colloquium, Texas State University.